The Human Factor

Everything that is made possible using an inanimate object has nothing to do with the object itself and everything to do with what the human wanted to accomplish. Literally, the conversation ends there but for some reason it doesn’t and thus the silliness expands like the universe.

A great portion of the human population actually believe that the terminator is inevitable. Rest easy knowing that it isn’t even possible. Simply contextualized, an evil person is required to make an evil device, a wonderful person is required to produce a wonderful creation. A nonintelligent device will never create an intelligence. Said differently, nothing can create something that the creator cannot think of. Therefore, to scientifically explain the first human is impossible without creating a nonhuman creator. If humanity never programs a computer to do harm, a computer will never do harm. If a human never programs a harmful computer to build a harmful computer, a harmful computer will never be built.

This brings the conversation of Electrical DNA to digital devices and why DNA is DNA regardless of the context. Don’t be misled by a biological constraint that is irrelevant in the classic conversation of digital or human systems.

As a parting thought, consider the case of a wonderful machine and the wonderful human that created it. Once the machine is built and operational, what needs to happen to allow it to function in all of its capacities? How does it happen? Think through the entire process from beginning to end. The next chapter will pickup here.